Toddlers and buggies

Sir, – I read with interest Jacky Jones's assertion that no child should be in a buggy over the age of two ("Physical activity is more important than ever", Health + Family, August 9th).

While I am all for promoting physical activity in children, and do so with my own, I think the implied criticism of parents who are portrayed as using buggies for convenience is a bit much. My three children all used a buggy over the age of two.

My first reason was safety. Having my children close together meant that with a two-year-old, I usually had a small baby at the same time. It is difficult to push a buggy and hold a toddler’s hand while walking along busy roads.

My second reason was for my own exercise. Strapping a two-year-old into a buggy meant I could go for a decent walk.


Following a meandering toddler around a park does not lend itself to moderate physical activity, unless you count the carrying you have to do when he gets tired.

I’m sure my fellow mothers have plenty of other examples in the use of buggies that are not just for convenience. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.