Tourism and a global pandemic

Sir, – Life is a matter of balancing risks versus rewards. I would like to go on holidays as usual to the warm sunny shores of the Mediterranean. But I fear I may pick up Covid-19 there. On the other hand, a staycation in Ireland would be very nice. But I fear that some of my fellow holiday makers may be unquarantined tourists from the US or UK. I will probably stay at home. This will be a loss to the Irish tourist industry. It would all be so much easier, and safer, if the State would act in our interests and enforce quarantine regulations. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.


Sir, – Having followed the lockdown restrictions scrupulously, my partner and I decided to book a short stay at a leading hotel in the west of Ireland towards the end of August, rather than travel abroad as usual.

We must now think seriously of cancelling this “staycation” because of the risk of some non-isolating foreign traveller also staying in the hotel. Strict travel restrictions and enforced quarantine are necessary if the call for Irish residents to “staycation” is to be credible. – Yours, etc,



Co Longford.

Sir, – A letter writer (July 15th) states, “We need look no further than New Zealand to see what a proper quarantine regime, backed by decisive, effective government, can do to halt the virus.” I sincerely hope we don’t have to look any further as I’m not sure Mars has a Covid-19 mitigation strategy we can emulate. – Yours, etc,



Co Leitrim.

Sir, – Given the toothlessness of the State’s response to the influx of US tourists, and explanations referencing legal difficulties with mandatory testing or quarantine, are we to assume that the same inability to act would apply to an Ebola outbreak here?

Would our response to such a calamity require a referendum? – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.

Sir, – Kathy Sheridan ("We must take our time when reopening Ireland", Opinion & Analysis, July 15th) asserts that Norway's borders have been closed to all but legal residents since March 16th.

She also states that Finland prohibits entry to all non-resident foreign nationals.

Norway actually lifted all restrictions in regards to travel and incoming quarantine to 26 countries in the European area, while Finland has lifted restrictions to 24 European countries.

There are hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk in the tourism sector due to our ongoing travel restrictions.

Norway and Finland have done significantly better than us in responding to Covid-19 with regard to infection rates and deaths, and yet they are happy to open their borders.

Are they not following the science? – Yours etc,




Dublin 9.

Sir, – Control. Conformity. Compliance. As irresistible to the totalitarian mentality as dung to a bluebottle. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.