Tourism and VAT rates

Sir, – The recently announced increased VAT rate for some sectors of the tourism industry from 9 per cent to 13.5 per cent, which takes effect from January 1st, 2019, has led to calls for the measure to be scrapped amid claims that jobs would be put at risk and the industry would be undermined.

In 2016 it was confirmed that Bruce Springsteen would play two concerts at Croke Park. As soon as the dates of the concerts were confirmed some hotels doubled and even tripled their prices for the relevant dates.

Some hotels in Dublin and beyond, not surprisingly, reported a surge in bookings as fans from around Europe, the US and Ireland sought a room for their stay in Dublin.

One Dublin city centre hotel charged €630 a night for a room that normally charged €280 a night. This was blatant exploitation and profiteering.


I suggest that the fleecing of visitors by mercenary hoteliers is a greater danger to jobs in the tourism sector than the increase in the VAT rate. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6W.