Tracking the opinion polls

Sir, – The real finding of your poll is that the scarcely credible poll published in July showing Fianna Fáil at 33 per cent was indeed an aberration (“Fianna Fáil drops seven points but is neck and neck with Fine Gael”, October 6th) . The reality is that since the election there has been little significant change.

Such polls, carried out to generate “news” in order to fill newspapers, are contributing to the destabilisation of our politics, with attention-grabbing claims being made in headlines, and the hyping of these in radio and television programmes. They are every bit as damaging as the populist cant being spewed out by so many politicians.

The vast majority of people, living outside the political bubble, are just getting on with their lives and are not as fickle as your polls suggest. Live with it! – Yours, etc,



Shankill, Co Dublin.

A chara, – So, according to the latest  poll,  Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil are both on 26 per cent. Does this validate the maxim there is no difference between them? – Is mise,


Donabate, Co Dublin.