Traffic Chaos

Sir, - With regard to the letter from Aideen O'Connor (March 3rd) about the surfeit of traffic lights, particularly on Rochestown…

Sir, - With regard to the letter from Aideen O'Connor (March 3rd) about the surfeit of traffic lights, particularly on Rochestown Avenue, I fully agree that chaos has ensued there.

Nearby on Avondale Road - one of the longest residential roads in Ireland - we have no traffic lights or any other form of credible road calming measures. We would be delighted to accept Rochestown Avenue's surplus of traffic lights. Indeed we would be willing to sacrifice the ridiculous and dangerous cycle tracks that the county council imposed against the wishes of 96 per cent of residents. I know of nobody averse to the principle of cycle tracks but to fit them to establish roads that were never built to accommodate them is nonsensical and the current chaos on Avondale Road demonstrates this.

As Pat Kenny said in a recent broadcast, Avondale Road is an accident waiting to happen. - Yours, etc.,

Owen Shanley, Avondale Road, Killiney, Co Dublin.