Traffic In Dublin

Sir, - Vincent Browne (Opinion, September 27th) is proposing widespread automotive lockouts to overcome chronic traffic congestion…

Sir, - Vincent Browne (Opinion, September 27th) is proposing widespread automotive lockouts to overcome chronic traffic congestion in Dublin. He creates the impression that vast sums are to be expended on new roads - "billions on the Eastern Bypass"; in fact the projected cost of this bypass is considerably below £1 billion. In addition, around 90 per cent of projected expenditure under the DTO plan is in respect of public transport, which is how it should be. A comprehensive mass transit system is essential if people are to be persuaded to abandon their cars, as experience in practically every European capital demonstrates.

Mr Browne also overlooks the fact that large-scale transportation projects for Dublin will be undertaken as public-private sector partnerships (PPPs). Private finance involvement will considerably reduce the burden on the taxpayer. An additional element is that tolls are to be introduced on both the Dublin Port Tunnel and the Eastern Bypass. Tolling provides a revenue flow to concessionaires and is an effective means of managing road capacity. By maximising toll charges at peak times (as already proposed for the Port Tunnel) a powerful incentive can be provided for private motorists to leave the car at home.

Less drastic than Mr Browne's lockouts, perhaps, but in the long run a lot more effective. - Yours, etc.,

Reg McCabe, Director, PPP Unit, IBEC, Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.