Traffic In Dublin

Sir, - As Dublin traffic conditions continue to deteriorate towards gridlock, instead of co-ordinating services to solve known…

Sir, - As Dublin traffic conditions continue to deteriorate towards gridlock, instead of co-ordinating services to solve known and growing problems our authorities have:

neglected to enforce parking regulations, so that traffic is choked. Even the double yellow lines are not repainted;

neglected to link the timing of traffic lights;

failed to provide "park-and-ride" facilities for commuters;


delayed buses at each stop while hard-pressed drivers count change;

allowed empty buses to drive in convoy'

provided minimal (hourly) bus services at night;

allowed DART services to deteriorate;

failed to reopen the Harcourt Street line;

dithered over alternative rail transport till EU aid seems improbable and relief to traffic a distant dream;

provided minimal and uncoordinated bicycle lanes;

unforgiveably, refused to issue taxi licences, resulting in high charges and two-hour queues.

The more imaginative steps taken in foreign cities are not even discussed.

Television advertisements tell us we should not drive after a single drink. Dubliners have not dependable public transport, nor taxi numbers to meet demand, nor licences for pubs within walking distance in new suburbs. - Yours, etc.,

The Elms, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.