Traffic In Dublin

Sir, - Frank McDonald got it spot on in his article on traffic in Dublin (The Irish Times, January 5th)

Sir, - Frank McDonald got it spot on in his article on traffic in Dublin (The Irish Times, January 5th). A good measure of his accuracy was the subsequent bleating from members of the car culture. These were once again in denial, blaming something else for the woeful situation. It is self-evident that commuting motorists are the immediate cause of the gridlock.

There are contributory factors, such as subsidised parking and the lack of support for public transport. But motorists can do something about if, if they stop complaining and leave their cars at home (in the driveway that used to be a front lawn).

If they did, the rest of us might be able to enjoy a city with less pollution, less noise and less of the nastier forms of behaviour by frustrated motorists. - Yours, etc.,

Cabinteely Green, Dublin 18.