Traffic In Dublin

Sir, - Might I suggest to our traffic planners that we adopt a system of traffic control similar to New York's - i.e

Sir, - Might I suggest to our traffic planners that we adopt a system of traffic control similar to New York's - i.e., one-way systems on roads which are approximately parallel. For example, the dual carriageway from Stillorgan to Dublin should become one-way from Donnybrook Church to St Stephen's Green, with motorists returning one-way along Baggot Street to Ballsbridge and up Anglesea Road to return to the Stillorgan dual carriageway at Donnybrook Church. Similarly, motorists leaving the city via Clare Street and Merrion Square North could continue out Northumberland Road one-way to Anglesea Road and the Stillorgan dual carriageway. They could enter the city via Booterstown and the sea road at Sandymount, all being one-way.

I realise that this would mean a roundabout route for a large number of travellers but they would save time and fuel in comparison with the gridlock conditions that now prevail. - Yours, etc.,

Bloomfield Shopping Centre, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.