Transport recall

Madam, – It is somewhat ironic that Don Heenan (September 7th) chooses to attribute my remarks on the Government jet to my brother…

Madam, – It is somewhat ironic that Don Heenan (September 7th) chooses to attribute my remarks on the Government jet to my brother, who has lived in South Africa for the best part of 30 years.

The irony is in the fact that, when John was playing rugby for Ireland in the 1970s and 1980s it was a source of great amusement to the family at the number of people who thoughtlessly mistook me for him (we look similar but are far from identical).

We developed a name for such people. We called them PRATS.

Thanks to Mr Heenan for the correction. In future, every time I see an acronym, I will think of him. – Yours, etc,



Seafield Crescent,


Co Dublin

Madam, – Far be it from me to lecture on mnemonics and acronyms but I can’t resist pointing out that Dart stands for Dublin Area Rapid Transit (not Transport). – Yours etc,


St Assam’s Avenue,


Dublin 5.