Treatment of GPs is unacceptable

Sir, – As a GP, I was a little disturbed to get a clarification from the trustees of the GP (GMS) pension stating that "for absolute clarity it would require a very large number of GPs to pass away from Covid-19" before the death-in-service benefit would be removed from members (News, March 25th).

I then see that the HSE is trying to sign GPs up to run high-risk "Covid hubs" (News, March 31st). But instead of categorising us as employees, with the additional protection and benefits that come with that, it will provide a "grant" to each practice in return for work undertaken by GPs from that practice. A very clever way of getting out of the responsibilities of being an employer.

Meanwhile consultants in private hospitals are all being handed public-service contracts.

GPs provide 24/7 medical care through the medical card and doctor visit card scheme to almost 50 per cent of the population and Covid-19 advice and care to 100 per cent of the population.


“Call your GP if you are worried about Covid-19,” says the official advice.

It appears that GPs are being treated like public servants but not being given any of the benefits.

This is not acceptable. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.