Sir, - David Trimble's comments on the Republic gave me some food for thought, and in the light of his remarks I decided to re-evaluate my life in the "pathetic, sectarian, monocultural State" where I choose to make my home.

A close look at my circle of friends yielded the following results. Their nationalities include: Irish, German, Spanish, Italian, French, English, American, Swedish. Their religious beliefs include: Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, agnostic, atheist.

Their sexual orientation: straight and gay.

Admittedly, I do not count members of the Ulster Unionist Party among my friends. And now I finally know why: My circle of friends would not be vibrant, multinational and liberal enough for them. - Yours, etc.



Dublin 6w.

... ... * ... * ... * ... ...

Sir, - It is simply obscene for David Trimble, the man who cavorted down the Garvaghy Road wearing a silly costume to celebrate unionist hegemony at the expense of the local nationalist population, to describe anyone or anything as either "pathetic" or "sectarian".

Mr Trimble makes great claims for the multiculturalism and liberalism of the United Kingdom - yet his own party is completely dominated by white males, Enoch Powell spoke at their party conferences, and the party is consistently on the conservative side on social issues.

It is clear that he values multiculturalism and liberalism only as sticks for beating the Republic, not as ideas that he wants anything to do with. And what could be more sectarian and pathetic than that sort of inane hypocrisy? - Yours, etc.,


23rd Street,

San Francisco,


... ... * ... * ... * ... ...

Sir, Mr Trimble claims his remarks about the Republic are simply a case of "holding a mirror up to life".

Perhaps so, but the First Minister would do well to remember that the first thing one sees in a mirror is a reflection of oneself. - Yours etc.,


The Maltings,


Co Dublin.