Trinity student accommodation

Sir, – As students of Trinity College Dublin, we were appalled to see the decision given to the Oisín House student accommodation development ("An Bord Pleanála turns down €52m Trinity development", July30th).

We live and study in the centre of Dublin. We also live in a time of crisis – where students have to compete with the rest of the rental market for affordable accommodation.

Trinity College has 17,000 students, many of whom come from outside Dublin. In 2014, there were only 10,287 bed spaces specifically for students in Dublin – and there are 80,000 students in the Dublin region.

The Students’ Union in Trinity operates an accommodation advisory service which sees 3,000 students contact it for help to find accommodation. Demand rises and supply is low – therefore prices soar.


The planning appeal cited that the building “would constitute a disorderly, incoherent form of development with an overscaled building”. If you were to examine the panic first-time students face when attempting to find accommodation, you would understand why such developments – with as many beds as can be fitted – are necessary.

On-campus places help our students, particularly those students with disabilities. It also helps retention of students.

This decision must be reconsidered. – Yours, etc,



Trinity College Dublin

Students’ Union.