Truth, lies and politics

Sir, – It was enlightening to read Brian Boyd's opinion piece "Bullshit more dangerous than lies in politics" (Opinion & Analysis, June 3rd).

Though familiar with the term “bullshit” through comics and Hollywood movies, as an Irish person I was utterly innocent of its meaning and definition. Indeed your article made me half-envious of the British, for not only did they produce the Beatles and the Stones, but they can also, according to your columnist, lay claim to the “Bob Dylan of bullshitting”, a little-known politician by the name of Jeremy Hunt.

I understand from the article that bullshitting is a practice peculiar to the politics of the US and the UK. I do hope that those involved in public life in Ireland are not going to be tripped up by their own innate love of truth and integrity. If they are diligent and study the craft well, then I am sure that one day we will produce at least one politician worthy of the title of “the Bowie of bullshit”. Meanwhile, I look forward to more articles from Brian Boyd, including, perhaps, a travel piece from the Vatican in which the Sistine Chapel is not mentioned. – Yours, etc,


