Tsunami disaster

Madam, - Prof William Reville has returned to the pulpit (Science Today, January 13th), this time to give us his "informed Christian…

Madam, - Prof William Reville has returned to the pulpit (Science Today, January 13th), this time to give us his "informed Christian opinion" on God's role in the tsunami disaster. In the event, he comes up with such absurdities as God being the "fellow-sufferer" of the unfortunate victims.

In short, he shows himself to be as clueless as the four religious representatives the day before who were equally unconvincing on the same topic. The Imam, at least, rose above the general waffle, invoking the familiar if barbaric image of a punitive deity.

Please, Dr Reville, continue to inform and entertain us but desist from pontificating on the unknown and the unknowable. Ne sutor ultra crepidam. - Yours, etc.,

JOHN A. MURPHY, Rosebank, Douglas Road, Cork.


Madam, - The various responses from the perspective of the different faiths to the whereabouts of the tsunami disaster made interesting and provocative reading (The Irish Times, January 12th). It would be equally important to give some coverage to the whereabouts of God in the killings of countless innocent Iraqis and the wanton destruction of their homes by so-called civilised and largely Christian invading forces. Recent footage from Falluja on Channel 4 news showed a once great and holy city reduced to ruins, with rotting bodies still not buried and an unknown number of civilians killed.

However, Bush and Blair feel no need of theological reflection on their invasion of Iraq. Both men are convinced in their illusion that God is at and on their side. - Yours, etc.,

BRENDAN BUTLER, Co-ordinator, NGO Peace Alliance, Phibsboro Road, Dublin 7.