TUI boycott of Coca-Cola

Madam, - We refer to a report by Lorna Siggins in your edition of April 16th about the decision by the Teachers' Union of Ireland…

Madam, - We refer to a report by Lorna Siggins in your edition of April 16th about the decision by the Teachers' Union of Ireland conference to support a boycott of Coca-Cola goods.

This decision was taken despite the concerns of SIPTU and USDAW members working in the franchises in Dublin and Belfast and against the advice of the International Union of Food workers (IUF).

Workers in Coca-Cola plants in Ireland are concerned that this boycott will be seen as a "soft option" and could put their employment at risk.

SIPTU made clear its views on the treatment of trade unionists in Colombia to Francesco Santos, vice-president of Colombia, on his recent visit to Dublin. We have also requested the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Oireachtas to let us make a presentation on this issue. The union is also calling for an Irish trade union delegation to visit Colombia. SIPTU wishes to point out that:


1. All Coca-Cola products sold from Belfast and Dublin are produced by a franchise company for markets on the island of Ireland.

2. This franchise company has no involvement whatsoever in Colombia.

3. The cola concentrate companies based in Ballina and Drogheda - which are directly owned by Coca-Cola - will not be affected by the boycott because their production is for export only.

4. A rolling boycott will affect the jobs of workers in Belfast and Dublin.

5. SIPTU has raised the issue with the ICTU and the IUF to which we are affiliated.

6. SinalTrainal - the trade union calling for the boycott in Colombia - has declined to re-affiliate to the IUF.

7. SIPTU is calling for an end to the boycott, and adherence to the policy of the ICTU and IUF.

We will continue to offer solidarity to trade unionists in Colombia and are holding a public forum on justice in Colombia next Tuesday in Liberty Hall, Dublin at 7.45 p.m. - Yours, etc.,

Dr KIERAN JACK McGINLEY, Joint President, Region 1, SIPTU; PADDY CAHILL, Shop Steward, Coca Cola Ireland; TOM GRANT, Chief SIPTU Shop Steward, Production Department, Coca Cola Bottlers; Dublin 2.