TV3 and the RTE Licence Fee

Sir, - James Morris, chairman of TV3, states (May 15th) that the proposed licence fee increase for RTE "threatens the existence…

Sir, - James Morris, chairman of TV3, states (May 15th) that the proposed licence fee increase for RTE "threatens the existence of TV3 and may close the market to Irish-based independent broadcasters".

His letter makes me feel like crying. Poor TV3! Financed by its Australian backers and recently part-purchased by one of the most profitable commercial stations in these islands (thereby securing for it top soaps such as Emmerdale and Coronation Street), it has no choice but to fill its schedules with cheap imported programmes to make a living! Currently it has the broadcasting rights for Champions League soccer and on current standings is probably rich enough to outbid RTE for them in perpetuity.

As an ordinary member of the public, it is my opinion that if RTE were granted twice the amount it is seeking it would hardly level the playing pitch. - Yours, etc.,

Peter Forde, Marlborough Road, Dublin 7.