Tyrrelstown evictions

Sir, – As I read about the eviction notices in Tyrrelstown, west Dublin ("Over 60 families in Dublin served with eviction notices", March 14th) can someone please remind me why this year we are celebrating the foundation of a republic in Ireland?

– Yours, etc,





Sir, – Kitty Holland writes of the plight of tenants in Tyrrelstown, who will shortly be evicted, quite legally.

The new owners of these properties, a group of US investment funds, presumably wish to sell them and cannot be bothered managing tenancies.

In a modern state this ought to be inconceivable, and unlawful.

The Dáil could even now amend Table 1 of Section 34 of the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 to prevent this. No constitutional bar would prevent a widely supported emergency amendment to this legislation being passed in the period while we wait for a Government.

Unfortunately water charges are the focus of attention, and while various TDs posture, “throwing shapes” as the old Dublin expression has it, no action is taken.

The health, social and economic consequences of eviction and homelessness are well-known, and are all bad.

Is there any prospect of action, say before the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Easter Rising?

– Yours, etc,


Prof of Health Systems,

Dublin City University,

Dublin 9.