U2 Concert At Slane

Sir, - I attended the U2 concert at Slane Castle last Saturday

Sir, - I attended the U2 concert at Slane Castle last Saturday. I had read the health and safety advice given in your paper, which included drinking plenty of water during the day to avoid dehydration. To avoid having to queue, I decided to bring my own supply.

My bag was searched and my ticket checked three times on the approach to the main entrance the Dublin side. The garda∅ who checked my bag were unconcerned that I had two half-litre bottles of water as the bottles were not made of glass.

At the castle driveway my bag was searched once again by a security man. He confiscated the water bottles and threw them on a large pile of assorted water and mineral bottles on the ground. There were also two wheelie bins in the vicinity, which he and his colleagues were steadily filling with bottles.

My protest that the bottles were still sealed and contained only water were ignored.


It was no surprise to note that the organisers had no objections to the sale of drinks inside the venue at the usual inflated prices.

I have not experienced this ridiculous policy at such an event before, and on a hot day it seemed blatantly irresponsible. - Yours, etc.,

Frank Donnelly, Christchurch, Dublin 8.