Under-Age Drinking And Sex

Sir, - As chairman of the Cider Industry Council, I echo the concerns and fears of your writer Kathy Sheridan ("Our children …

Sir, - As chairman of the Cider Industry Council, I echo the concerns and fears of your writer Kathy Sheridan ("Our children and their sex games", News Features, July 17th) concerning the problems of under-age drinking and teenage sex.

The Cider Industry Council comprises the main cider manufacturers and distributors in Ireland. In addition to promoting cider in a responsible manner to adults, we have undertaken to help tackle under-age drinking, which we recognise as a serious national problem. Our members follow a strict code of practice and discourage and abhor the illegal sale of alcohol to minors.

We have initiated a number of research and educational programmes and are acutely aware that we, as part of the drinks industry, have a responsibility towards young people.

There are two fundamental initiatives which, if implemented at national level, would help to prevent the totally unacceptable scenario outlined by Ms Sheridan in reviewing a recent court case.


Firstly, it is intolerable that the introduction of the national age identity card has not yet been implemented, as provided for in the Intoxicating Liquor Act, 1988. Secondly, the incidence of secondary purchase of alcohol by adults on behalf of minors needs to be addressed.

The Cider Industry Council will continue to promote responsible attitudes to alcohol, and only hopes that lessons can be learned from the sad experiences of those young people reported in your newspaper. - Yours, etc.

Peter McKimm, Chairman, Cider Industry Council, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.