Underbelly Of The Tiger

Sir, - This Celtic Tiger can surely be a nasty, vicious and filthy beast

Sir, - This Celtic Tiger can surely be a nasty, vicious and filthy beast. As its handlers Ahern and Harney smile indulgently, its doings soil the country and may leave its last state worse than its first. This place has become dearer, dirtier and more dangerous.

Many roads and streets in town and country are no longer safe because of raging traffic and rampant thuggery. The same highways and byways, and most other public places, are strewn with all kinds of rubbish and filth. The authorities will neither clean up nor enforce the law. At the same time, the public good is subordinated to green and brazen profiteering. Smug new millionaires are turned out by the dozen every month.

Past administrations, which presided over a much poorer State, are deservedly remembered for their achievements: rural electrification; eradication of TB; free secondary education; the ceasefire. For what will Ahern-Harney be remembered? Possibly the three Ls.

Lout, litter and loot. - Yours, etc.,


Oliver Rogers, Rahardrum, Virginia, Co Cavan.