Union Bashing

Sir, - The ILDA has by its disruptive and illegal actions, failed to win much support even among other trade unionists

Sir, - The ILDA has by its disruptive and illegal actions, failed to win much support even among other trade unionists. However, all members of unions should be concerned that this dispute may be used to promote more widespread union-bashing. Patrick Doocey (August 11th) refers to the disruption caused by "gardai," bus drivers, train drivers, taxi-drivers and even farmers" and goes to call for an end to "this union culture of hurting the public".

Behaving illegally and hurting the public works for many groups in society. Ask the farmers whose sit-in at the Department of Agriculture netted them £60 million in taxpayers' money. Or the taxi-drivers who block our streets at the slightest hint of a threat to their cosy cartel, and whose ongoing restrictive practices constitute continuous disruption to the lives of so many. Ask the banks, developers, planning officials or politicians whose corruption and law-breaking has blighted so many communities, and undermined the provision of so many public services.

When it comes to breaking the law and disrupting society, trade unions will always be in the ha'penny place. - Yours, etc.,

Paul Carroll, Grand Canal View, Dublin 8.