Urban sprawl in Donegal

Madam, - In October I had occasion to visit Donegal

Madam, - In October I had occasion to visit Donegal. My only previous visit to that part of Ireland was 12 years ago and I was so impressed with the magnificence of its coastline.

This time I was depressed. The uncontrolled development along this beautiful treasure is horrendous.

Does not anyone care about future generations, be they locals or visitors, and their enjoyment of something that once destroyed can never be replaced?

It seems to me that what with the Celtic Tiger boom and all the eurodollars that Dublin has got from the EU, the national Government could set aside funds to take over and create a national park for this area.


I have since learned that in Northern Ireland the National Trust manages much of its coastline and also the Mourne Mountains.

What a contrast in approach to preservation!

One government with a vision, the other lacking in vision.

The Dublin Government should do something to remedy this and salvage what is left of Ireland's natural legacy. - Yours, etc.,
