US Air Strikes

Sir, - Is no member of our Government going to protest to President Clinton about the US missile attack on Afghanistan and Sudan…

Sir, - Is no member of our Government going to protest to President Clinton about the US missile attack on Afghanistan and Sudan because of suspicions that the bombs in Nairobi and Dar-EsSalaam emanated from these two countries? One could imagine the furore if Mr Blair, on the suspicion that the Omagh bomb was manufactured in the Republic, decided to launch an attack on suspected bomb-making depots here. (Incidentally, Mr Blair himself seems totally inconsistent in saying only democratic means can be used to track down the Omagh bombers while fully supporting President Clinton's actions). I sincerely hope that the Taoiseach will express his disapproval of the American action in the strongest possible terms when President Clinton visits this country. - Yours, etc.,

(Ven) Michael J.B. Nuttall,

Archdeacon of Limerick,

The Rectory,



Co Limerick.