A chara, - Padraig O Murchu (September 9th) challenges the voices that opposed the US airstrike in Sudan to condemn the Sudanese government. As one of those voices, Comhlamh has no hesitation in doing so. Governments who violate the human rights of their own or other nations' citizens must be strongly condemned, regardless of their race, colour or religion.
We, along with Sudanese asylum seekers living in Ireland, have publicised the problem of human abuses in Sudan and have asked that our Government award refugee status to the Sudanese who have chosen Ireland as a refuge from this barbaric government - as the US, to its credit, has done.
But Mr O Murchu misses the point. The Sudanese government was not visiting Ireland and basking in collective amnesia of atrocities carried out only two weeks before. The day that happens, Mr O Murchu can be assured that our voices will be raised again, and just as vigorously. - Is mise, Molly O'Duffy, Chairperson,
Lr Camden Street,
Dublin 2.