US military and Shannon Airport

Sir, – As someone living in Clare, I wish to endorse wholeheartedly the use of Shannon by the US military. Contrary to Edward Horgan's anti-American stance (December 4th), I feel we should be giving all and any help necessary to the US and other Nato members in their struggle against such vile medieval gangs as Islamic State and the Taliban. It is worth reminding Mr Horgan, and others who share his views, that the democratically elected governments of Iraq and Afghanistan have been asking the US, and others, to help fight the aforementioned groups. When we see the events of Paris, when we see people being thrown off buildings for being gay, women being shot for wearing the wrong clothes, girls having acid thrown in their face for going to school, then remaining neutral in the face of such barbarity is simply not a morally tenable option. – Yours, etc,



Co Clare.