US presidential election

Madam, - How very unfair that Ben Headen (September 9th) should accuse you of "blinkered [US] Republican cheerleading"

Madam, - How very unfair that Ben Headen (September 9th) should accuse you of "blinkered [US] Republican cheerleading". It just isn't true. My own impression is that if you have a fault it is a dreadful tendency to print left-wing, pro-Democratic twaddle.

For example on September 9th you printed one pro-Democratic article by the man with the curious name and several letters of the same persuasion. The import of these letters was that Sarah Palin should be rejected because, among her other wickednesses, she shoots wild animals; disapproves of abortion; is packing her son off to Iraq to fight in a "trumped-up war" (what a splendid turn of phrase); supports the death penalty; opposes the distribution of condoms in schools; at one time supported a now defunct building project; slashed funding to unwed teenage mothers in Alaska and special-needs children; has some interest (probably misplaced) in creationism; and lacks international experience.

What is interesting about this rag-bag is that, with the exception of the point about international experience, none of it matters a hoot; and on the one issue that does deserve attention she is in exactly the same boat as Barack Obama.

- Yours, etc,


MICHAEL TATHAM, Harrold, Bedford, England.

Madam, - I see that some of your more sophisticated readers and columnists find the fact that Sarah Palin had until recently no passport to be a a matter of scorn and derision. No doubt they have soaked up the culture of Spain (add other countries if so desired) on their two-week sun holidays. Surely Mrs Palin should be praised for keeping her carbon stilletto-print to a minimum.

These selfsame people are usually apoplectic with rage when Irish politicians go abroad for St Patrick's Day. I also note that our politicians do not seem any wiser after their foreign trips.

- Yours, etc,

TONY SILLS, Castlegregory, Co Kerry.

Madam, - Who is Sarah Palin's running mate?

- Yours, etc,

PAUL DELANEY, Beacon Hill, Dalkey, Co Dublin.