US retirees to Ireland - paying the price

Sir, – I am a third-generation Irish-American with a desire to retire to Ireland.

Towards that end, I recently purchased a home in Ireland in order to begin my transition from the US to Ireland.

Unfortunately, almost immediately after my purchase, I found out about recently imposed rules created by the Irish Department of Justice and Equality that change the residency requirements for retirees such as myself.

The rules now require retirement income of at least €50,000 per person and €100,000 per couple as well as a cash reserve of up to €200,000 for “unforeseen expenses”.


These rules are well above the costs of retirement living in Ireland and have caused a number of retirees to either leave Ireland under threat of deportation or to forego their retirement plans.

In addition, even if approved to live in Ireland, such approval is only good for one year and does not provide retirees with a path to permanent residency.

As a result, my retirement plans are now on hold.

Reasonable immigration policies benefit both Ireland and the retirees who wish to live there. These positive economic benefits to Ireland should not be ignored.

– Yours, etc,


New York City.