US 'vision' in Iraq

Madam, - Charles Krauthammer's defence of current American strategy in Iraq ("'American vision' makes headway in Iraqi conflict…

Madam, - Charles Krauthammer's defence of current American strategy in Iraq ("'American vision' makes headway in Iraqi conflict", Opinion, July 23rd) skirts the key issues, as usual. These are: why are the Americans there, and what will happen when they leave? However, even Mr Krauthammer admits the possibility of all-out civil war at some point.

What remains clear is that part of the stated original American vision for Iraq, namely "democracy", will not happen. Why? Quite simply because the key criteria for democracy do not exist. These include loyalty to nation (rather than tribe or sect), an independent judiciary, an honest and uncorrupted civil service and police force, and freedom from foreign interference.

The likely outcomes remain either the break up of Iraq, including the possibility of the Shi'ite region joining Iran, or the emergence of an authoritarian strong man to hold the country together by force, perhaps even a Saddam look-alike. Worse still, he might even have American support, as Saddam did for many years.

What an indictment for "American vision". - Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.