Using schools as polling stations

Madam, - As a recently retired principal of an English Catholic school, I am amazed at the way Irish churches and schools approach…

Madam, - As a recently retired principal of an English Catholic school, I am amazed at the way Irish churches and schools approach Thursday's referendum.

If this part of Kerry is at all typical, several things seem very odd. Our churches have avoided prayers for the success of the referendum, regardless of outcome. Our parish schools close for the day so that they can be used as polling stations. For some reason nearby parish halls and community centres seem to be considered unsuited to the task.

In other countries where schools are used, ways are often found for continuing lessons by confining polling activities to the school hall. Where schools have to be used as polling centres, these days are used productively as substitute teacher-training days and some benefit is afforded the pupils deprived of education for a day.

Is it not time for the Department of Education and diocesan trustees to reconsider the use of schools for elections and referendums? Surely in most cases more suitable alternative accommodation can be found or more productive use made of gained teacher time. - Yours, etc,


ALAN WHELAN, Beaufort, Co Kerry.