Vaccinations in a national emergency

Sir, – Approval and administration of vaccines have happened in the UK, Canada and the US, yet the EU has not yet approved it. The overall approach or lack of it by the EU to this pandemic has been disastrous, with unemployment to rise by 15 per cent in 2021.

People have been locked up in their homes and in nursing homes at the end of their lives with no visitors; many self-employed are facing ruin. Relatives have been unable to visit or grieve for their dead and waiting times in hospital for treatment for life-threatening conditions get longer. Surely this is a national emergency?

Given this, we should be on a war footing and roll out the vaccine with a deadline of maximum two months. Let’s organise teams of vaccinators to work round the clock. Let’s start with nursing staff and residents of nursing homes and hospitals. Then organise mass vaccinations throughout the country, in town halls, community centres and GP surgeries. Surely it is not beyond the capability of a country of nearly five million in dire emergency for this to happen? – Yours, etc,



UPMC Kildare Hospital,


Co Kildare.