Veggie burger

Sir, – Disdain for vegetarians in Irish food outlets has a long history (Letters, October 11th).

Almost exactly 30 years ago, on a visit to our native land from temporary exile, my wife and I sought sustenance at the branch of a well-known local fast-food chain outside Galway. Being a vegetarian, she selected the “veggie burger” from the menu while I, being the less “ethical” partner, ordered the traditional all-meat hamburger.

After taking our seats my wife was surprised to find that her “veggie burger” comprised a bun, a dollop of mayonnaise, a teaspoon of chopped lettuce and an Easi Single. Clearly, they had forgotten the burger, so I brought the item back to the counter. “Oh no,” said the young attendant, mystified by my complaint. “That’s a veggie burger. There’s no meat in it.”

When I replied that it would have been more properly described as a cheese sandwich, she was indignant! “But it only cost 50p!” (It was in the pre-euro 1991).


Such misbranding did not dissuade us from returning to Ireland permanently a few years later. And maybe the still thriving chain has either upgraded its veggie burgers to include a genuine vegetarian burger, or alternatively rebranded them as cheese baps, which is what they really were. But neither of us has ever darkened its doors since to find out. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.