Vehicle emissions scandal

Sir, – Thursday’s edition of your newspaper had three full pages of motoring news, including coverage of the Geneva motor show, and announcements regarding new models of all kinds, while also carrying advertisements for new and used vehicles of every engine type and capacity.

Meanwhile there are slick and fancy adverts on TV and radio, round the clock, for cars fitted with all manner of features and gimmicks.

Not once among any of these articles or adverts is there a single mention of the emissions scandal, or whether the figures quoted for emissions are pre- or post-scandal, or what is being done to address it.

One might be forgiven for thinking that it never happened.


This is apparently also the view of the Department of the Environment, which has maintained a stony silence regarding those drivers who paid, and continue to pay, what we now know to be artificially low road-fund tax on diesel cars with under-declared emissions. I suppose this whole topic must have found its way into the “Too Difficult” file. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.