Vetting legislation

Sir, – I recently contributed a piece concerning the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 in which I highlighted a worrisome omission that would result in issues with regard to the sharing of religious beliefs ("New vetting legislation an assault on religious freedom in Ireland", Rite & Reason, May 31st). I have become aware of an amendment to the problematic provisions by the Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act 2016, which was also recently commenced.

The laws of our land are constantly fluid and changing and I regret the inaccuracy in my previous opinion. I have been following the National Vetting Bureau Act since its inception and have also contributed to a legal publication concerning it.

I was very pleased to note the recent amendment which resolves my concerns and brings it into line with general principles of proportionality in its stated aim of protecting children and vulnerable persons. – Yours, etc,



The Law Library,

Dublin 7.