Voter Fatigue

A chara, - As a young person who voted for the first time in June, even though I had other, somewhat pressing concerns that day…

A chara, - As a young person who voted for the first time in June, even though I had other, somewhat pressing concerns that day (two Leaving Cert exams), I am confused and bemused by Bertie Ahern's and Fianna Fail's concern over the lack of interest in politics shown by young people today.

Is it really a surprise that people are apathetic about exercising their electoral rights (as demonstrated by the record low poll figure in the recent by-election), when Mr Ahern undermines and demeans our democratic system by making a decision on an issue as important as PfP without consulting the electorate, after expressly promising to do so? - Is mise,

Fleachta Phelan, Lea Crescent, Sandymount, Dublin 4.