Waiting lists in neurology

Sir, – Waiting lists to see a neurologist for the diagnosis of brain conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc, are now at their highest ever.

Waiting times for the only specialist rehabilitation hospital in the country can be up to six months, with an estimated one in six people who need to never even getting through their doors.

Behind these statistics are individuals with brain conditions, 800,000 of them in Ireland, for whom waiting means the loss of that vital window to commence rehabilitation or start treatment.

Nearly a decade on from the publication of the national neuro-rehabilitation strategy not one additional bed or community team has been provided across the country.


As a society, we seem to be accepting higher waiting lists as the new normal. If we see the people behind the waiting lists we will see this for what it is, unacceptable. – Yours, etc,


Executive Director,

Neurological Alliance

of Ireland,

Dublin 7.