Waste And Incineration

Sir, - I refer to the letter from Paddy Corcoran (June 25th) and the response by Ms Laura Burke of Indaver (July 4th).

Sir, - I refer to the letter from Paddy Corcoran (June 25th) and the response by Ms Laura Burke of Indaver (July 4th).

It would seem helpful to public debate on waste and incineration that your readers be reminded that Dr Paul Connett, professor of chemistry at St Lawrence University, Canton, New York, stated categorically in his concluding words at a Muinter na T∅re conference on waste management in November 1999:

"When you build an incinerator in your community you are advertising to the world that you were not clever enough, either politically or technically, to do that which is responsible to your community or future generations."

The scope for total elimination of hazardous waste has not been properly examined here, if at all. Surely that should be a legislative priority. - Yours, etc.,


A.J. Navratil, B. Env. Sc., East Cork Harbour Enviromental Association, Cork.