Water and the new politics

A chara, – The new politics, indeed! A newly appointed Minister, Finian McGrath, publicly admits without shame or apology to not paying his Irish Water charges. What an example of public service in the “interests of the nation”!

How long does he intend on holding out, or holding on to his ministerial position? Such an insult to the million and a quarter compliant householders consisting of over 900,000 urban Irish Water customers and the in excess of 300,000 rural members of private water schemes nationwide. What a sell-out and betrayal of responsible, compliant and now outraged citizens and voters! – Is mise,




Dublin 4.

Sir, – Patrick Logue is right – those of us who paid our water charges are seething that those who refused can walk away blithely ("An open letter to Enda and Micheál", People, May 11th). To see a Minister proudly declaring a refusal to contribute towards this obvious public need is an affront. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.