Wearing the hijab in school

Madam, - I see that Minister of State Conor Lenihan has written to school principals canvassing their views on the wearing of…

Madam, - I see that Minister of State Conor Lenihan has written to school principals canvassing their views on the wearing of hijabs in schools ("Minister seeks principals' views on hijab headscarf", The Irish Times, July 2nd).

To my way of thinking, the matter is quite simple. If a school decides to make students wear a uniform, then it has to be uniform - the same for everybody.

This has the advantage of making social and class differences between the young people less obvious.

However, from my own past experience as principal of a secondary school that did not have a uniform, a sensible dress code for staff and students makes life much easier and simpler.


The logical question for principals, in my opinion, is not whether they should allow some students to wear a very distinctive garment that emphasises their religious and cultural difference, but whether the school insists on a school uniform or not. - Yours, etc,


Glenview Terrace,

