Welcome To Limerick

Sir, - I read with sadness and some annoyance Mr Adrian Weckler's short dismissive note on Limerick (February 2nd)

Sir, - I read with sadness and some annoyance Mr Adrian Weckler's short dismissive note on Limerick (February 2nd). I am a native of Limerick City - proud of it "warts and all". A simple question: would Mr Weckler have written to you if he had seen, as I have, the simple beauty of the mist rising off the Shannon, and the wonder of the ghostly glidings of the swans as they emerge from the mist? I don't leave the city to see this sight but see it regularly as I cross Sarsfield Bridge. Limerick City has many facets to it and it is a pity that all Adrian Weckler chose to remember and bring with him were those he mentioned.

Every city, town and village has its blemishes and there is always room for improvement, but was it necessary to be so cynical over an occurrence which could have happened in most cities and towns in the country?

Next time, Mr Weckler could look with a kindlier eye on my city. Visit the Hunt Museum, walk by King John's Castle or watch the swans as they linger by the Curragower Falls. Then write another letter to The Irish Times.- Yours, etc., Helen Christie,

Ashbrook Crescent, Ennis Road, Limerick.