Wexford Festival protest

Madam, - Further to Michael Dervan's report in your edition of October 8th concerning the planned protest by the Musicians' Union…

Madam, - Further to Michael Dervan's report in your edition of October 8th concerning the planned protest by the Musicians' Union of Ireland on the opening night of this year's Wexford Festival, the situation can be set out as follows:

1. The Arts Council has expressed its concerns at Wexford's "failure to nurture Irish opera artists and participants".

2. Jerome Hynes, chief executive of Wexford Festival, is also vice-chairman of th Arts Council.

3. Therefore Jerome Hynes is concerned at Wexford's "failure to nurture Irish opera artists and performers".


Is there a flaw in this argument? If so, perhaps someone would kindly point it out.

Incidently, why is Jerome Hynes, chief executive of Wexford Festival - which receives a large Arts council grant - also vice-chairman of the same Arts Council which disburses such a grant? - Yours, etc.,

LINDSAY ARMSTRONG, Managing/Artistic Director, Orchestra of St Cecilia, Dublin 2.