Where are the Issues?

Sir, - I can identify with Michael Purser's frustration (June 8th) at the absence of debate on EU issues

Sir, - I can identify with Michael Purser's frustration (June 8th) at the absence of debate on EU issues. A perfect example of this was when I appeared on Question and Answers last week and, instead of substantive issues, the only matter raised was that of which individual is most likely to become Ireland's next Commissioner.

Unfortunately, the reality in Ireland today is that political campaigns are usually conducted through the media. In this election, there has been minimal media coverage of the issues - the media have focused mainly on personalities and no voter apathy. In ways it is a vicious circle as the public and politicians are dependent on the media to break voter apathy.

Over the past year, I have held open information seminars on subjects of EU relevance - including GMOs, asylum seekers and refugees, which were among the issues identified by Mr Purser. On enlargement, I completed a report for the Parliament on the accession of Malta.

Due to the lack of EU debate, the electorate has difficulty distinguishing between local, national and European mandates.


More detailed information is available in the Labour Party manifesto and in that of our European Party, the PES. I would suggest that interested electors visit my website (http:www.digicc.com/berniemalone) and that of the Labour Party to find out more about our wide-ranging European policies. - Yours, etc., Bernie Malone MEP,

Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.