Who needs postcodes?

Madam, - Alex Pigot (Opinion, May 28th) tells us that the introduction of postcodes will improve our "quality of life"

Madam, - Alex Pigot (Opinion, May 28th) tells us that the introduction of postcodes will improve our "quality of life". He also tells us they will increase the volume of post.

Now, it is self-evident that the ordinary letter-writer is not going to write more letters because of the introduction of post codes. It is equally evident that levels of ordinary business post will not increase - my bank will not send extra statements, my electricity or telephone suppliers will not send extra bills, just because they have postcodes available. So we must conclude - and indeed Mr Pigot's position as managing director of a bulk mail producer helps us to this conclusion - that the extra postal volumes envisaged will be of unsolicited advertising material, or junk mail. To me, more junk mail is a reduction in my quality of life, not an increase.

And who will bear the costs of this postcode system? Businesses will, he tells us. No doubt businesses will be happy to take a cut in profits for this marvellous system which will improve, we are told, the delivery of pizzas and the building of hospitals.

Why has Noel Dempsey accepted this rubbish? - Yours, etc,




Co Carlow.

Madam, - Amid all the fuss about the introduction of postcodes, and the fears that we are likely to be buried under mountains of junk mail, there is one question that is much more important to the social and political soul of the country. Surely Dublin 4 is not to be done away with? - Yours, etc.,


Bramblefield Park,


Dublin 15.