Why can't maths be sexy?

Madam, - I write to echo the comments made by Mr Christy Maginn regarding the elitist image of higher level mathematics (Exam…

Madam, - I write to echo the comments made by Mr Christy Maginn regarding the elitist image of higher level mathematics (Exam Times, June 24th). As a female mathematician working in business, with responsibilities for recruitment on both sides of the Irish Sea, I am increasingly dismayed at the lack of uptake of the subject at third level in both the UK and Ireland.

Perhaps we would do well to remember that mathematics graduates are behind only medical and dental graduates in terms of employment rates on leaving full-time education. As a result of the demand, maths graduates and higher level maths candidates can expect to receive higher starting salaries and higher average career earnings than many students graduating in humanities or other subjects from comparable institutions. A solid grounding in maths opens pathways to many interesting and varied careers.

The image of maths needs a make-over. We need some modern role models to attract young people to the subject. Just why can't maths be sexy? - Yours, etc,

SUSAN MURPHY, Heathfield Road, Liverpool, England.