Widening grounds for abortion

Madam, - Congratulations to Carol Coulter for her explanation of the State's submission to the European Court of Human Rights…

Madam, - Congratulations to Carol Coulter for her explanation of the State's submission to the European Court of Human Rights in the "D" case (The Irish Times, July 14th.) Congratulations also to the courageous woman who took the case.

How interesting to find that, when faced with scrutiny of its abortion policy from a human rights perspective, the Irish State argued that, had D taken a case in Ireland seeking to have a termination here, the Eight Amendment to the Constitution could have been interpreted in a way that permitted her to have one.

If that is the State's interpretation of the constitutional position, why does it not legislate in line with it? Women and doctors need clarity on this matter and both need the protection of the law.

No woman should suffer being dragged through the courts to sort it out. No doctor should be exposed to a future lawsuit for failing in his duty to a woman with a constitutional right to end her pregnancy.


There is an obligation on the State to deliver safe and legal abortion in Ireland to women in this position and it is a matter of human rights that they do so promptly. - Yours, etc,


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Douglas Road,
