Wimbledon For Dublin?

Sir, - Nigel Cooke referred to "FAI propaganda" about Wimbledon moving to Dublin (November 24th)

Sir, - Nigel Cooke referred to "FAI propaganda" about Wimbledon moving to Dublin (November 24th). At least we know the identities of those who oppose the "Dublin Dons"; the promoters remain anonymous. Why won't they identify themselves and set out their proposals? What are they afraid of?

Maybe they want to avoid difficult questions such as:

Would Wimbledon be based in Dublin or would they just come over on match days? (The players will hardly be in favour of higher Irish taxes.)

Who would fill the extra 59,000 seats? (Proposed 75,000 seat stadium, average Wimbledon attendance: 16,000.) There wouldn't be much Sky Sports-style atmosphere for visits by Barnsley, Coventry or Bolton.


Who would pay for Premiership-style security?

Would we be subjected to the Combat 18 thugs again? Remember Lansdowne Road.

Could Wimbledon survive without transfer fees? There would be no transfer fees on out-of-contract players "moving" to English clubs if Wimbledon move to Dublin.

Or maybe they just want to put pressure on Merton Council to give them a free stadium in Wimbledon? - Yours, etc.,

Caledon Road, Dublin 3.