Withdrawal of cancer vaccine

Madam, - The World Health Organisation explicitly states that "vaccination is the single biggest thing any government can do…

Madam, - The World Health Organisation explicitly states that "vaccination is the single biggest thing any government can do for the health of its population".

Every year, more than 180 Irish women are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer. Many of these women die. This cancer is caused by the ubiquitous human papilloma virus (HPV). Conservative estimates are that the new HPV vaccine can prevent about 60 per cent of such cancers.

A full vaccination course costs somewhere between €600 and €1,000 euro (why it costs so much in Ireland compared with other countries is unclear) - about the cost of the average hospital bed for one day.

While the HSE is doling out money hand over fist to the absolute joke that is the National Treatment Purchase Fund, and doubling consultant salaries to a quarter of a million euro, it is choosing to withdraw a proven, cost-effective programme. Penny-wise, pound-foolish and morally repugnant! - Yours, etc,



Medical registrar,

Mater Hospital,

Eccles Street,

Dublin 7.

Madam, - Mary Harney's Department of Health has fallen to a new low with the announcement that it will not proceed with the cervical cancer vaccine plan.

This vaccine could save many lives and save the country money in the long term; but in now typical fashion the Government chooses to make short-term savings at the expense of our health and our country's long-term economic wellbeing.

I believe Ms Harney took her cue from the disgraced British spin-doctor Jo Moore, and tried to bury this unpalatable cutback on the eve of the US presidential election.

I hope enough of us remember these disgraceful cutbacks when we vote again. - Yours, etc,


Walnut Close,


Dublin 24.