Women and the priesthood

Madam, - Weep for the poor Roman Catholic women, third- class citizens still.

Madam, - Weep for the poor Roman Catholic women, third- class citizens still.

In Patsy McGarry's interview with the new archbishop of Dublin (Weekend, May 29th), the latter is quoted as saying there is "no way" he could see women celebrating the Eucharist. But a visit to an Anglican or Lutheran church would enable him to see just that, and perhaps begin to realise how much women can bring to the liturgy.

He might also brood on how much marriage can bring to the happiness and general understanding of the male of the species. There is evidence from the early Church of women being ordained deacons. At the Last Supper, Jesus said "Do this in memory of me". He did not add: "but only if you are a man".

Portmarnock Golf Club is entitled to make or break its own rules. But no organisation these days should take it as a role model. - Yours, etc.,