World War veterans' badge

Madam, - The British ministry of defence has decided to award all second World War veterans with a commemorative veterans' badge…

Madam, - The British ministry of defence has decided to award all second World War veterans with a commemorative veterans' badge. This is being done in conjunction with Heroes' Return, a British lottery-funded initiative which enables veterans to return to their theatre of action.

The British defence attaché will be distributing badges at Leopardstown Park Hospital on March 16th at 3pm. We have sent out more than 500 invitations to the veterans we already know about, but we are sure that many others qualify for this award.

Veterans (or widows of veterans) should contact the Royal British Legion Office on 01-6713044. - Yours, etc.,

P.A.M. ALEXANDER, District Administrator, The Royal British Legion, South Frederick Street, Dublin 2.