Worldwide Anglican conference

A chara, – I was very surprised by the factual errors, contradictions and most of all the lack of charity in Canon Marie Rowley-Brooke's attack on two Church of Ireland bishops who attended a worldwide Anglican conference in Jerusalem ("'Wilfully schismatic' movement supports submission of women to men", O Opinion & Analysis, July 3rd).

The factual errors include the extraordinary statement that Christian Scripture “demands the freedom and flourishing of all peoples regardless of sexuality”.

This might sound nice to some but it’s simply nowhere in the Bible.

The contradictions include a call for a limitless inclusiveness that excludes those who disagree.


The worldwide Anglican Church has changed beyond recognition in the past 30 years, and Canon Marie Rowley-Brooke promises more is to follow. Members are understandably alarmed. Those who dissent she calls schismatics. It is those who are steering the Anglican church onto the rocks who are the schismatics. – Is mise,


Clichy, France.

Sir, – The Rev Tim Anderson (June 28th) appears to think that size determines a group’s orthodoxy. This has rarely been the case in Christian history. He also appears to think that the provinces and dioceses represented at the recent Jerusalem meeting are unanimous in their support for the Global Anglican Future Conference (Gafcon) agenda. That is not the case; and that it is not betrays Mr Anderson’s desire for a magisterium which can in no sense be described as Anglican. – Yours, etc,


